Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Keyboard Quick Switch - Back before Honeycomb came around, we used to switch keyboards by long pressing a text box. However, you guys may have noticed that the same functionality is not initially apparent on Honeycomb.
In actuality, Honeycomb’s solution for keyboard switching is even clearer; their is a dedicated button for switching input methods right next to the clock! To make the button appear, simply activate the default keyboard by click on a text field.
Click the small keyboard icon that appears in the status bar next to the clock and select your desired input method. The default Android Keyboard provides all the classic functionality, including voice input and settings shortcuts. The Samsung Keyboard is ergonomically identical to the Android Keyboard but offers a higher contrast white/grey layout as well as language, settings, emoticon and attachment shortcuts. The third packaged keyboard is Swype, which if you haven’t tried out yet, you should.
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