Download Latest Odin V 3.04 For Galaxy S3 - For you that want to flash your galaxy s3 you'll be able to use Odin because the flash tool. you'll be able to download the most recent Odin version on this web log. Odin is associate application that terribly usefull for flashing memory board, or custom rom your android phone, and additionally used for Install Root Kernel. And currently i'll share the most recent Odin, it's Odin v3.04. you'll be able to download it at the top of tihs post.
but please becarefull after you square measure mistreatment Odin. Odin is adviced employed by somebody who have some expertise in flashing memory board. if you are doing not do the step properly it will makes your galaxy s3 brick(firmware crash and may unable boot normal/ infinite loop boot) however don't be concerned for you that at the primary can flashing/ root your galaxy S3 if throughout the flashing method you are doing not undo the usb and follow the correct step those issue would not be happen.
Download Latest Odin V 3.04 For Galaxy S3 here
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Here is Odin 3.07 updated link 2013 and drivers for samsung
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