How to backup Nexus 7 with ClockworkMod Touch Recovery (CWM) - The best ClockworkMod bit Recovery (CWM) feature that i favor ~ full system backup and restore with Nandroid. a bit like Norton Ghost on computer. you'll be able to restore everything on your system as well as applications and information from the backups. you'll be able to do a similar on Google Nexus 7 ClockworkMod bit Recovery. the way to backup Nexus 7 with ClockworkMod bit Recovery? initial of all, you wish to put in ClockworkMod bit Recovery on Nexus 7. Have basin already? still scan below step by step video guide for additional information…
Step by Step Guide
- Boot in Nexus 7 CWM.
- Select backup and restore.
- Then select Backup.
- After backup finished, select reboot system now.
- That’s all.
ClockworkMod bit Recovery (CWM) can create a backup on internal storage. and can store the backup at clockworkmod/backup folder supported date and time and clockworkmod/blobs folder. ensure that you simply fill system backup of your Nexus seven with basin from time to time to avoid information loss. Do keep a backup copy at computer too.
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